Sunday, November 05, 2006

My cute kitty. She is the only animal left in the house...unless you count the hubby and the kids

Mikes first lost tooth! I cant believe how big he is getting!
My girls for halloween. They are so pretty!I couldnt get a picture of Michael by himself because he was to exctied to stay in the house. This is the first year he got to go trick or treating with a friend. We were out for 2 hours, they had so much fun! The other boy in the picture is Mikes friend Cameron. We went with him, his sister Chelsea and his mom.

This is Michaels first football game. I think they tied. I didnt get to watch much of the game as i was to busy trying to take pictures and video (which i am not sure worked) for rick had duty that day. You might not be able to tell but the ref was super old! He was cute though. It takes a big man to go out and ref 5-7 year olds.

My Husband it the silliest man ever. I love him to death! the first picture is his new toy. the second is him after the kids went trick-or-treating

Friday, September 15, 2006

the grossest thing ever

so the grossest thing i can imagine is dog poop! i can change the nastiest poopy diaper but i really have a problem with dog doodoo. it must have something to do with the smell.

so what does my 2 year old dog do this morning as i am in the bath getting ready to relax before i wash my hair. he comes in and takes a big ole dump...right on my bathroom floor! now he isnt some small dog that i could just wipe it up...oh no he is a 70 pound pitbull/lab mix. so of course he leaves a bigt one! i tried to cover up the smell...i sprayed fabreeze (alot) and put a paper towel over my mouth and nose. yeah that didnt work at all! gross!!!! all while in my needless to say i didnt get to take my shower this morning as i had to get breakfast for the kids and clean up that mess and get my self ready to take them to school... my mouth is nasty cuz i threw up in the middle of cleaning up...i didnt even have time to brush my teeth again cuz i didnt want the kids to be late.

gross is all i have left to say!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

a long time

i know i has been a super long time since i have been on here. but the post my sister did on her site inspired me to do a new post...or maybe its the fact that my husband just left with the youngest for the weekend and the older two are at school so i am by myself and bored.

my kids have been going to bed at 7(or later depending on what we were doing) this summer. but when school starts i put them to bed at 6. that is only for the first week people so dont freak out. they get so tired, especially shirley since she is no longer taking a nap. and with all the excitement of going to school i think it makes them more tired.

i see these kids around the neighborhood out until 8 every night and i wonder why their parents let them stay out that late. and they arent older kids they are in 2nd or 3rd grade. i remember when i was younger we were in bed early, even in the summer.

mike was reading a book last night and i could tell he was tired, we were reading a book called 'a bug, a bear, and a boy' so the word bug was on almost everypage. and in the middle of the book he forgot what the word bug was. he was messing up words and getting distacted...i know he is only 6 (beth) but this is a book he has read more then once and knows how to sound out words. i guess i just know when he is tired.

i guess that is all for now cuz my tummy is getting hungry.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So this morning as I was driving down the freeway, after taking Shirley to her post-op appointment, I was thinking what I would say to my kids when they were starting to drive and this is what I came up with.

I would tell them it is ok to be afraid but don't let the fear take control of your life. I let it and it took over 11 years to get my license. (For those of you who know me fear has controlled a lot of me.) Having these kids has helped me a lot. It has forced me and made me want to do more things. I wish I had kids sooner! I guess it was just Gods way of teaching me to be patient and lean on him.