Thursday, September 07, 2006

a long time

i know i has been a super long time since i have been on here. but the post my sister did on her site inspired me to do a new post...or maybe its the fact that my husband just left with the youngest for the weekend and the older two are at school so i am by myself and bored.

my kids have been going to bed at 7(or later depending on what we were doing) this summer. but when school starts i put them to bed at 6. that is only for the first week people so dont freak out. they get so tired, especially shirley since she is no longer taking a nap. and with all the excitement of going to school i think it makes them more tired.

i see these kids around the neighborhood out until 8 every night and i wonder why their parents let them stay out that late. and they arent older kids they are in 2nd or 3rd grade. i remember when i was younger we were in bed early, even in the summer.

mike was reading a book last night and i could tell he was tired, we were reading a book called 'a bug, a bear, and a boy' so the word bug was on almost everypage. and in the middle of the book he forgot what the word bug was. he was messing up words and getting distacted...i know he is only 6 (beth) but this is a book he has read more then once and knows how to sound out words. i guess i just know when he is tired.

i guess that is all for now cuz my tummy is getting hungry.

1 comment:

Kimi said...

YEAH! I am so glad to see a new post on here. I almost stopped checking everyday. I know I've been letting WK stay up too late, only 8 or 830, but you know from my post that it hasn't been early enough. She'll be in bed earlier from now on...I want her rested and ready to learn. I hope you stick to the decision to keep up with your blog. Love you!