Monday, December 15, 2008

misc. pictures

lizzy was not in these photos because she was cold and crying. so i put the picture of her with her socks on her hands. she couldnt find her gloves so she asked if she could use socks.

abyy is sitting up all by herself...well with the support of the couch pillows. she ended up flopped over and i had to 'gently' tell rick not to put her up like that if he wasnt gonna watch her.

abby loves her daddy.

this is the sweater and booties that my mom made for abigail. about an hour after we put these on her she spit up on them. so i had to wash them. my mom really should have measured her huge feet because the booties no longer fit.


Jen said...

ahhh what cute pictures. looks like the kids had fun in the snow. i remember using socks how funny. thanks for posting abbie!!!

Beth said...

Well, Mom probably didn't expect your baby girl to have feet the size of a toddler!!!

Kimi said...

yay! i love all the pictures. i love shirley's huge smile in the snow one!

The Ballerina said...

they all look so cuterin there sow stuff! how many inches did you guys get? abbie is so cute in those pics!