Monday, March 03, 2008

This is us going in our new house for the first time! The other car was removed about 5 days later.

Here are the kids at our new table.

The fence doesnt really look like that. I must have moved the camera when I was doing the panoramic shot.

I know there aren't alot of pictures. I will take some more soon. but remember, soon for me is about 6 months! lol


Beth said...

I'm so excited to see more pictures.

And even more excited to see it in real life. IN NINE DAYS!!!!

And I'm also excited to get the binkies you bought for me. My poor son can't keep his current one in his mouth.

Kimi said...

Great pictures. Such a cute house. I'm so jealous. I can't wait to see it. YAY!

Phoebe @ GettingFreedom said...

Cute house!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...and for the comment! To answer your questions:
OOP= out of pocket (money spent, not including gc (gift cards)
RR=Register Rewards (these are from Walgreen's and print after you have paid..good on next trip)
MQ= manufacturer's coupon
ESQ=Easy Saver Coupon found in ES (Easy Saver) catalog in the front of Walgreen's. Please let me know if that helps, or if there are more. I *love* talking coupons! :)