Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ever feel....

like nothing is worth it? dont worry im not going to go crazy and kill my kids or myself. its just that i really feel like nothing is working out in my life. my fish are sick so whats the point of having them if i cant take care of them. my puppy is a pain in the butt, so whats the point of training her. my kids are not that bad but they sometimes frustrate me to the point of wanting to lock myself in my room (that is until they do something cute and melt my heart or they would destroy the entire house even worse then it is now!). my house is a disaster so whats the point of cleaning it if it is going to just look gross again 30 minutes later (one big thing is that the carpets are nasty...it must have been a man who decided to put beige carpets in a house the could house 5 people...what were they thinking!).

my husband doesnt love me (im sure of it). im sure he does in his own little way but it makes me feel like crap the way he treats me and sometimes doesnt give me the time of day. im sure it isnt easy for him to be underwater and have me writing him emails asking why he doesnt or me 'yelling' him for the way he is. but really what else can i do. that is the only time i know of that there might be a remote chance he is reading the emails (after the first one im sure he isnt). he doesnt talk to me any other time. i usually hear the stories from the boat or work when he is telling someone else about it. what is the point of having a marriage if we cant confide in each other or be able to turn to each other when we need a shoulder to cry on. instead of one making the other cry most of the time.

im not writing this so my sister will hate him more. i am just hoping writing it down will make the feelings of hurt go away...but i dont think it is working. he really is a good guy...to his friends and his kids. just not to me. the one person he should love because he choose to spend the rest of his life with. i have even given him plenty of outs. ive told him..if you dont want to be married just tell me so i can work on moving on. most of the time he says 'go then ..if you dont like being here just go' but of course i dont (i think maybe i should have sometimes). i guess i was just afraid of starting over agian. but mainly i love him and didnt want to be with out him.

my blubbering is over. thanks for listening.


Heather said...

the counselor today told us to read 'his needs, her needs'. sounds pretty good, read it and try to get him to when he gets home. That way maybe he and you can see what the other one needs as a woman and man,without nagging it to the other.

Erin (nickname: Erna) said...


This posting really made me sad. I hope you find a way to get everything worked out.


Heather said...

(((hug))) Have you ever read the book "Created to Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl? I have many unseen war wounds from...oh lots of stuff and definitely figured that there was nothing I could do get my marriage back on the healing track...much less myself. This book literally changed my life and my marriage. If you read it with a willing and ready spirit, it can give you some tools to heal both yourself and by God's grace your marriage. In the meantime...(((hug)))my heart cried for you when I read this post.-Heather feel free to email anytime

Kimi said...

I agree with both Heathers. I don't think you should worry about changing him, change the way you look at things. Created to be his Help Meet is an awesome book, and thats with me only being a few chapters into it. I really should finish that before the baby comes. I think it's totally something that you could get into. And I really think that this book our Heather is talking about might be good too. I think you've been thinking that his needs are (or should be) the same as yours, but that's just not how it works. I wish it were. Put them on your PPS list or something. I have those days too, you're not alone. I hope you can find some peace, I'll be praying for you.